Friday, September 12, 2008

Do I have a mustache?

This was Jakob's question this morning at breakfast. He seems to be too conscious of his facial hair; maybe because we keep teasing him that he has mustache even at a young age. Well, it's not that hairy; only if you look closer then you'll notice that there is a bit more hair above his upper lip. His legs too now have hairs, again only if you look closer. So funny how he asked me this question this morning. He even asked if he needs to shave. Well, I said, not yet. Maybe a few more years. Wow. My little guy is growing so fast. Slow down, bud! I don't want you to grow up yet!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I can comment now, thank you Joy! I love your blog and I think Robbie and Jakob will both be shaving soon!!!



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