and puff again. This is our story for the past week. There is this cold virus going around that we caught and now we are nursing this cold...and cough. My kids have the cold-induced asthma so when they get a cold, they will need a puff -- from the asthma medicine, that is!
So this is our routine every morning and every night for all 3 kids. And this routine will last for a few more days and then down to just once a day for the following days after. Jakob is so used to doing it that he can do it by himself now. And Jethro and Beata are looking forward to it everytime. There might be something in it that makes them wanna have it (gotta do a research on that!) or they just like the cool tube that they use with their puffers. Either way, I am not looking forward to it. Not because it's time consuming, but because I don't want my kids to be sick at all!

Update on Jethro's potty training: Since he started wearing real underwear, he has never been wet and dirty at all...well, except for one night when he refused to go to the washroom to do #2 because his brother was taking a shower; and the same night he woke up screaming coz he's wet! :D
I am now on my search to find Buzz Lightyear underwear for my little space ranger!
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