Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Wow, Piiiizzzzzaaaaaa!!!! No party for Jakob's friends this year but we agreed on a pizza lunch for his birthday. So I made some phonecalls to about 3 pizza places looking for the one who can make me the earliest pizza (Jakob and his classmates are counting on it; it's pizza or no lunch for them). And I was getting anxious coz all of them opens at 11:00 am and 11:15 is the earliest pizza pick-up, and Jakob's lunch is at 11:30. Uh-oh! I think I got a problem here :(. So I took my chances, ordered from the nearest pizza place from school and hoped (and prayed) that it'll be ready in time. Went in the pizza place even before 11 am and there's my pizza, ready for the oven so to my relief, I ordered 2 more, making my order a total of 6, 10-slice pizzas. And at 11:15 am I am on my way to school, arrived there even before their lunch time. And it was a blast. They all love it! Not just Jakob's Grades 1,1,3 class but we even get to share them to the teachers and the Kinder and Grades 4,5,6 classes. And I think they were hungry :D; here's why (the other box is still awaiting to be finished by the Kinder kids who are still finishing their lunches from their mommies!)

Wow, Chuck E. Cheese! After school, we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's for some fun and games for Jakob's birthday. Jethro was overwhelmed at first, not so sure if he wanted to play but it took him less tahn 5 minutes to convince himself that this is his place to run and play and jump all he wants! We spent about 2 hours and more than 50 tokens in games. They had fun. I was relaxed this time, knowing that my kids are big enought o jump and play and run without me having to run after them all the time. I know it will get better from here (though deep inside I am wishing they would stay as little kids).

Wow, it's a celebration! Our families in Canada joined us on Saturday for Jakob's 8th birthday celebration. Lots of food, lots of laugh! We had a "Give me" game -- anyone who can bring the item asked first, gets to pick a prize from the treat/prize box. Everybody joined the game; this is a nice alternative to "just kids" games in every party. We all had full stomach from all the food (thanks to my in-laws for helping with the food!) and we had enough food to take that's perfect! hehehe.

note: this is a repost. The images in the original post does not show on my blogger edit page and I cannot reorder them so I only placed a few pics here. You can view them all at

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