Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Full day Friday!

Raymond is now 31!  I am always kidding him that I am older than him (by four months) therefore wiser but then the first to go to Heaven.  Now we are both 31.  He celebrated his birthday last Friday, November 28.  He stayed home (mainly beacuse I need him to look after Jakob and Jethro -- story to follow!) and we ate a BIG dinner at Imperial Palace.  For all of you who knows Imperial Palace, you know it's all-you-can-eat and that's exactly what we did.  :D  The server was very kind to honour our 2 for 1 dinner coupon plus free birthday meal for the birthday boy.  We enjoyed it a lot - specially the "butter"fly shrimps ("butter" because they put a lot of garlic butter hence delicioso!).  Right, hun?  Even Beata ate a lot considering her event that day (read next paragraph).  Saturday night, I invited his immediate family for dinner (and a last minute invite to all his realtives which did not turn out well coz only one family came; so the lesson learned -- plan ahead! haha!).  But even though we were not that many, we had a good time (proof: our guests left at midnight).  We were rushing today for church coz everybody was still sleepy but we made it on time!
Now for the other story.  It was Beata day to get a "princess crown" for her tooth.  We were at the dental office at 8 am until about 11 am.  She has this big cavity.  The dentist said it was weird coz all her other teeth were ok, no cavities except for this one.  Usually it's either little cavities here and there or one big cavity and a small one beside that.  So they gave her a medication to drink, waited one hour than they did the procedure.  She wore a mask for the laughing gas (no pics this time -- I forgot the camera!  bad mama!).  And thank God, everything went well.  She ate soft noodles for lunch, no other complaint of pain and she even ate well at the dinner buffet.  She loves her "shiny tooth".  She would even ask me every now and then if the shiny tooth is still in her mouth; she said she doesn't want to lose it :)  I am glad she's okay.  I was the one who's actually nervous the day before the procedure that I even want to cancel it and ask another dentist for a second opinion.  LOL. 
All in all, a full but fun Friday. 

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