Thursday, November 13, 2008

Say "Aahhhhhhh"

Beata's official first visit to the dentist.  Usually, we take her with us in the room when we get our cleaning.  She doesn't seemed bothered by it, and she's already 4, so she should be visiting the dentist by now.  Last week, she slipped on our kitchen floor mouth first (ouch!).  A small bruise in her inner lip and a small cut on the lower gum.  As I was putting ice on the injury, I saw one of her molars with...cavities!  There is this black thing in her tooth and it does not look nice.  That's what you get when you're a candy and chocolate lover, and you don't regularly brush your teeth.  So I made an appointment for her to see the dentist yesterday.  She was not liking it at all.  She cried the whole time (but thankfully, she still listens to instructions from the hygienist).  She was holding my hands almost the whole time hence just one picture taken. 
I have to give credit to Jethro too for being patient (mostly) the whole time we were at the clinic.

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