Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sunday and Monday Recap

It was Missions Week in our church.  We thank the Lord so much for all the willing missionaries who will go and tell Jesus to people in other countries.  We cannot express enough how happy our hearts are.  I was able to be a blessing to the missionaries by being in the nursery Sunday morning.  I took a few pictures to remember these kids whose parents are faithful and willing to go out of their comfort zone and trust God as they go and tell the Gospel.  I was being a blessing but just the thought of these kids and their families, I was more blessed.
Monday, Raymond got off from work early.  I spent the rest of the afternoon in the mall with Beata and Jethro while Raymond took the van for an oil change.  He picked up Jakob and we met at the mall after; played for a few minutes then we head out for Jakob's skating lessons.  It's amazing how kids can be entertained at no cost at all!  We spent most of our time in the mall at Mastermind toys.  Toys.  Tons of toys.  And you know that that can make a child's day!  They are always fascinated by something new, something different.  They played and played with the model toys displayed at the store.  Even I was fascinated by all the toys (and its details).  They are expensive though; an afternoon playing with them for FREE is good enough for us. :D 

And of course, Raymond has to do something funny...

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