Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We're a decade!

10 years!  Wow!  Can't believe we've been married fro 10 years.  Time flies so fast.  10 years passed but it seems like only yesterday when I said "I do".  10 years married; 14 years acquainted.  We thank the Lord for blessing us through our 10 years.  We can't wait to see what else He will do!
To celebrate, we went to Niagara Falls for two days and one night.  Kids stayed at home with my sister (who they really adore, so no worries leaving them with her, though Beata was a bit dramatic days before we leave but could not wait for us to leave come Friday).  We enjoyed every minute of being together (alone).  We dined at fine restaurants, we played at Midway, we rode the Skywheel, drove by the Falls at night, crossed the border for the first time (almost got into trouble when we parked the car before proceeding to go :P).  It was an amazing time!  The most memorable days of our married life.  Thanks, Raymond.  I love you so much!

Day one.  Walking around; here by the Heshey's Chocolate Factory near the US bridge
Dinner at the Keg overlooking the Falls (and it's beauty at night!)
Rode the Skywheel (we were nervous and scared at first but it was awesome!)
Cliffton Hill
Him and me (being us!)

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