Friday, December 26, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Christmas!  I love Christmas!  And our Christmas this year went by really fast...for me anyway.  Well, we got our tree early but was not able to decorate it right away coz you need to put the lights first before the other ornaments and our old lights are broken so we need a new one and were not able to buy until a week later :(.  I shopped early for Christmas presents but last minute changes made me go back to the store to make some returns :(.   Hubby was renovating the laundry room. He spent most of his free time in the basement, so I was not able to hang up some decor coz I needed his held and it was not available (well, it is but I did not insist coz I know he's tired already).  So the basement was a mess too, so we were not able to spend our time together in the basement sitting in the couch, lights lit, sipping hot chocolate while the stove is heating up :(
I know, so many :(s, but it still is the most wonderful time of the year.  And...we can celebrate it anytime of the year (minus the lights and decorations).  And trust me, my :)s are far greater than my :(s. 
Merry Christmas everyone!

Okay. Now the for more pics. 
Jakob and his presents from Mommy, Pappi and Tita Dada
Beata giving her present for Mommy and opening her Christmas stockings
Jethro closing his eyes as he tries to get his presents from his stocking
In their Christmas pjs (notice the baby powder on Jethro's; he threw up just before opening presents -- full tummy and jumping with excitement doesn't mix!)

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