Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jakob's emergency kit

My Jakob loves putting his special things close to him.  He has this shelf beside his bed full of things that Jethro and Beata "cannot touch."  He found an old baby wipes container (that i was gonna use for something else) and decided to put his "precious" stuff inside.  He calls it his emergency kit :).  It has some small toys, flashlight, a half-a-roll of toilet paper (for when his nose bleeds in the middle of the night), and a few more stuff.  I smiled when he showed it to me; he was starting to be like me putting things away for my "just in case."
Well, his emergency kit was tested right away.  He went inside our room in the middle of the night and announced, "My nose is bleeding!".  One hand covering his nose, the other hand holding his emergency kit - unopened!  He remembered his kit but he did not use it in time for his emergency!  So we ended up in the washroom, washing up and using the toilet paper in the washroom...his own half-a-roll is still safe in his kit :D

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