Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rice Crispies

I bought a a box of holiday rice crispies last week and Beata was so excited to make our own rice crispies squares so today, I let them dig in and make it themselves (okay, I helped them a bit).  At first, they were a bit hesitant to do it coz it's sticky and a bit messy.  But I assured them it's okay to use their hands and be messy (well, I made sure they did not wear their best clothes for this, and that we have a big tablecloth and lots of papertowels. LOL).  Jethro did not like the way it's sticking to his hands.  I said put more butter in your hands but he ends up brushing his eyes or face so he just gave up.  Beata and Jakob enjoyed it. Literally.  They were moulding it and licking it too!(see the second picture below; notice the greasy mouths) I know, yucky.  But that's fine coz they are the ones who'll eat them all anyway...maybe some for daddy, but he doesn't mind.  They're his kids anyway! :D

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