Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday School Participation

Weeks of practice and preparation.  Several days of shopping just to find the perfect outfit (that suits my budget LOL).  Then it comes.  Dec 14 is the day of Sunday School participation at Faithway.  We were a little rushed that morning, we just had a Filipino potluck the night before so we were all tired and sleepy.  Good thing I already decided on what the kids (and I..okay, and hubby) would wear for the day coz  I was planning on taking a few pictures before we head to church but we never had the time so we had to do it in the afternoon (see next blog please!).  Everything's ready.  2 cameras on hand; one for hubby to hold, one for me; one for taking pictures, one for taking videos.  And so it begins...
Our seats were great coz we were only 3 rows in front of pulpit (not planned though!).  Beata comes in (with Keaton beside her, as I expected :0).  Hair a bit messy, not the same as when she started the day...ahhhh!  But that's okay.  They started singing; microphone right in front of her you can actually hear her low voice as she sings.  Good job, Beata!  (Sigh) Okay, next kid...
Jethro comes in with a baby doll in hand.  We rehearsed this at home to make sure he does not shake, toss or swing the baby while saying their lines and he is doing well.  He saw me while they were walking towards the pulpit.  "Mama", he said.  Melts my heart :0 but he has to join his class.  He did a great job, too.  Though he moved from his row to the next just about the time they were to start singing his favorite Sunday School song - B-I-B-L-E!  I also choked in fear that he might accidentally lean or push one of his classmates and it would lead to a domino effect on everybody.  But thankfully, he did not knock down his classmates or dropped his baby Jesus. baby boy is getting so big now.  I love kissing and hugging him all the time.
They will still be in the same class next year so I'll be looking forward to my "little grown-ups" by then.  Merry Christmas everyone!

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