Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We went back to the hospital yesterday to have another check at Beata's arm. And it was a looonng wait. Well, we were warned. The sign says "THIS IS A FRACTURE CLINIC. BE PREPARED TO WAIT!" Good thing Raymond took another day off so I don't have to bring 2 kids by myself and wait in the hospital. The surgeon said he does not see anything wrong in the x-ray. The femur(?)/arm bone looks a bit bent but he says it looks normal to him. But in case the x-ray missed something, she should be in a cast for 2 more weeks just to be safe. They changed her cast to a fiberglass one, much lighter and not too thick this time. Beata was so not looking forward to having another cast, she just wanted to get rid of the old one. So when it was time to get a new cast and choose a colour, she was not so happy. Knowing her, I chose pink. When we got home, she was much better and she said she likes the pink colour (not the cast though!). Well, we just hope two weeks flies fast!
note: Dr. Mommy was right! She had ear infection. She's on antibiotics right now and the peak of the pain in the ear is gone so hopefully it all goes better from here...well, we still have the cast to deal with :(

1 comment:

  1. Poor sweet Beata - hopefully she has had her share now and won't get sick again for a long while! We're praying for her!



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