Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Selah

We have been working hard to get rid of most of our debts since early last year.  We were careless with our finances and have accumulated an amount and cannot even imagine where we spend them.  Though the amount is not huge, we feel that we could have prevented it from happening just by being careful and wise in our spending.  We were so thrilled before 2008 ended coz we were just about out-of-debt.  We have accumulated a bit more since then, and have come to a somewhat manageable amount but the Lord is great.  He is always providing, never ceasing.  I just told hubby how glad my heart is when we are running low on funds, coz it increases our faith in Him.  I do the budgetting and I can say that it is not an easy job but with God's grace, He is helping me all the way. 
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalms 34:8

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