Sunday, March 22, 2009


None. Can you believe it? No pictures this week. After all the things we did for March break, I did not get one single shot of anything. So for me not to forget, here's what happened this week...
Tuesday: After Jakob's violin lessons, I took the 3 kiddos to McDonald's for lunch and for some time at the playplace. We were there for a good 1 hour (or so) and Beata and Jethro fell asleep in the van on our 2 minute drive home.
Thursday: Tim Horton's for breakfats then Chuck E. Cheese. We went to CEC very early last year for March break. And I remembered seeing the very long line-up of people wanting to get inside by noon. I should have learned (and remembered) from last year. We went to CEC at noontime and it was FULL! We have to wait at least half an hour to get in and once inside, there was just too many people. We ended up spending about 45 minutes there. Then we went to Oshawa Mall for lunch and some ice cream!
Friday: Raymond took the day off so we can all spend the day together. Tim Horton's for breakfast (again! You can never have enough of donuts! LOL) and then we went bowling for an hour. Beata was too much of a firl to enjoy it but Jakob and Jethro (and Raymond...okay, and me!) had fun. So much fun that Raymond and I are planning to go bowling again on our next date night :D Then we went home for the kids' afternoon nap (well, just Jethro). I went for a little shopping trip while the rest of the gang clean-up the yard (unfair, eh?!). Then I took the kids to the park with Jakob and Beata working hard to pedal their bikes going to the park. We had fun and laughs playing in the park, giving daddy time to finish up the yard work. At 6 pm, we went skating at the community centre. About an hour spent there (seems like 2 hours for someone who doesn't know how to skate like me) then we have to go back home coz Grandma and Grandpa are coming over. I had fun watching (yes, watching. I can barely move my skates!) Jakob skate around. I guess the skating lessons worked! And Jethro was being lazy haging on to the skating aid while Raymond pushes him. And Beata is brave. She has not been on ice since last winter and she was doing very well. She almost did not use her skating aid. She was taking things slow but making a lot of progress! She even did a few turns like a pro skater! Too bad I did not have my camera with me :(
Thumbs up for all the activiies we did for March break...but boohoo for mommy for not taking one single picture! =P

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