Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday Selah: Phew! We're done!

A week and a half of cleaning, organizing, scrubbing, painting, planning and lack of rest and sleep is over (it eneded 5 days ago; I was just lazy to update the blog :) Sorry!).  We are trying to prep the house as we plan to put the house for sale and move up.  We want to live closer to church since we will have 2 kiddos in school this September.  We feel that this would save us more time and money in the long run.  Plus, the real estate market says this is the best time to buy/move up.  We are hoping to sell our current house at a price that would pay out our current mortgage and give us a bit of a start in the downpayment of another house. At this point, I see that this cannot happen.  We might proceed with our Plan B -- renting it out until the market goes up (or probably if it works well, we might end up renting it out for a very long time!).  We will be praying hard.  It can be scary but we put our faith and trust in the Lord.  He will put everything in its right place at the right time.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

update:  We pulled the listing from the market.  We are trusting God while we wait for the right time and opportunity to move closer to our home church.  It was disappointing at first, but having prayed for it, we know that everything is according to His plans.  We are trusting God.

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