Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Selah: LEAN ON ME

Author Unknown

As the road ahead seems rugged
And the path is getting steep,
I feel that I can't make it
So my heart begins to weep.

Then I turn to see who's coming
To join me on my way.
I see it is my Lord
And He slowly turns to say

"Lean on me.....
When you have no strength to stand.
When you feel you're going under,
Hold tighter to My hand.

Lean on me......
When your heart begins to bleed.
When you know I'm all you have,
Then you'll find I'm all you need."

Then when I felt that no one cared
If I lived or died,
And no one bothered asking why
I'd go alone to cry.

When the burden got so heavy
I could barely face the day,
I felt His arms around me
As I gently heard Him say

"Lean on me......
When you have no strength to stand.
When you feel you're going under,
Hold tighter to My hand.

Lean on me......
When your heart begins to bleed.
When you come to know I'm all you have,
Then you'll find I'm all you need."

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

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