Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Today, we just sailed on…

This has been Christopher Columbus’ journal entry on most days where they discovered nothing while they’re sailing. They kept sailing on, going forward until they discover something. Their hopes are up, always looking forward to the next day.
This has been what our church family has been doing since the passing away of our beloved Pastor. It was something unexpected but God was not surprised. He has a plan and we need to trust Him. We may not have the answers to all of our questions, and we may not know them, but they are not vital to our “sailing on”. What is vital is our faithfulness to our mighty, unchangeable God and our faithfulness to the work of His church. It’s this time that we need to work harder, to grow closer to each other, to look unto Jesus. Though we wished everyday that this shouldn’t have happened, we should never look back but keep pressing forward towards the mark set before us.
What we need is not the absence of the storm but the presence of the Saviour. And we praise the Lord for his comfort, presence, love and assurance in this trying time...ALL THE TIME.
Today, we just sailed on…and we’ll keep sailing for our Saviour.
Taken July 1, 2009 at the church property. I just love how the sun is peeking out of the dark stormy sky, ready to shine after the clouds.

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