Friday, January 8, 2010

Is it 2010 already?

Just as all the other blogs I know and I read are now into their 2010 blogging groove -- with new layouts, new resolutions, new ideas, even photo-a-day posts, I am here, blogging my very first post of 2010, seven days after the new year.

Way to go! 
What a way to start my blogging year!
I am not so happy with it.

So what if I've redecorated my living room...

and hang frames and pictures on the wall after four years living in our first home.

So what?!

I slept the first week of January; and I even wanted to do that photo-a-day so SO badly.

Maybe I'll cheat and change my post dates?
(Am I that desperate?)

Well, I am really desperate. 
Maybe I'll just do a complete fifty-two "pic of the week"?

But the first weekend of the year is already gone.

I guess I'll scratch that on my resolutions, and just concentrate on the other things on my list
like losing weight perhaps?

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