Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday Selah: The Lamb Has Prevailed!

The Lamb Has Prevailed
Angels stand in silence as they wait on Heaven's border
To witness what the Father would not see
Tears from their eyes fall as rain among the thunder
As they watch the precious Lamb on Calvary
His last breath is diminished, there's a shout of "It is finished"
It's over now; they brush their tears away
Returning to to surround the throne they gather 'round the Father
As the hosts of Heaven sing this song of praise
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Sin has been defeated, the enemy has failed
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Redemption is completed, the Lamb has prevailed
If I could climb a mountaintop, reaching high above the nations
And lift my voice in a mighty melody
If my song could reach around the the earth and get the world's attention
I would sing about the Lamb that set men free
Redemption is completed, the Lamb has prevailed!
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.
Matthew 28:6a

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