Monday, June 22, 2009

It's a Happy Father's Day!

Raymond was feeling extra proud and extra special on Father's Day.
Not only because he got lots of hugs and kisses on Father's Day...
Not only because Jakob and Beata made a certificate and a card for him... 
Not only because he got to play bowling with his daddy and with Jakob...
But also because Jakob got a few awards that weekend!
At the last day of school, he got the "I'm A Super Star Student" certificate in his Grades 1-3 class for the schoolyear.
At his piano recital, he got the "Student Of The Year" award.
At the school's graduation and awards night, he got a certificate for being in the "A Honour Roll" and a "Stewardship Award" plaque for his good character in school. 
Raymond kept whispering, "I'm a proud daddy.  Let's make more kids!"
What wonderful gifts for him on Father's Day!
Good job, Jakob.

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