Monday, December 21, 2009

Measure, Mix and Meltaway

I was invited for a bake exchange.  It's my very first bake exchange and I am excited...and intimidated.
I have never baked a cookie before from scratch.  (Well, maybe I did once but it was a failure!)
Sure, I can make cakes (but still from a box) but the thought of having to share it with friends seems uneasy for a perfectionist (?) like me.

After the invite, I did my research right away and searched for an easy, no-fail, crowd-pleasing holiday cookie over the internet.  And there's lots out there.  In fact, too many that I can't decide. 

I chose two recipes (so I'll have one back-up in case the other fails).

But one problem, I became so sick the start of the bake exchange week that I was not able to bake them ahead of time.  Hubby ordered that I sleep and rest so I can feel better sooner.  I was planning to bake the goodies the night before but the commander said no!

Friday morning came.  Hubby stayed home and took care of the kids while I slave away in the kitchen making these treats.

It was actually good. 
Just the right amount of sweetness, and the cranberries are awesome!

Except I think I left it in the oven too long, I ended up with crunchy, burnt Kris Kringle cookies.
But some people like burnt cookies...I think?!

These are delish! 
Just ask my Jakob and my sister.  The leftovers did not last a day in our house.

I had fun making these cookies.  It was a great experience, and it gave me enough courage to try and bake cookies more.  Though I would like to perfect the Kris Kringle cookies first before I entertain other recipes.

Cleaning up the mess...well, that's another story.

1 comment:

  1. You should be proud of yourself. The cookies were delicious!Keep the recepies as your Christmas traditional cookies! GOOD JOB JOY!



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