Thursday, October 23, 2008

You've Got Mail!

Jakob gave me a question that I couldn't answer yesterday -- "How come I don't get any mail?". Okay, I can answer it but to answer it in a simple way for an 8 year old (7, turning 8 in 2 days) at an instant seem impossible for me that time. I just told him he's not old enough to get mails, then we never talked about it again for the remainder of the day.

And today, when we got home after I picked up Jakob from school, there was something waiting that would bring a smile to Jakob's face. Guess what? You've got mail! I told him, "There's your mail that you were asking for yesterday." He wore that big grin as he read and opened the envelop. It was a birthday card from FaithWay Baptist Church signed by Pastor Baker. To his joy, he asked me when is Pastor Baker's birthday coz he wanted to make a card for him too on his birthday. What a spirit! Hope and pray he stays the way he is :D

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