My kids have been enjoying the classical music lately.
They have a Leap Pad cartridge with lots of classical composers and their music,
and they love listening to it…all the time.
At home or in the car, they would always request for the classical music to be played.
We bought a Christmas Classical music cd last year at Wal-Mart
and it has been the kids' favourite Christmas cd.
Hubby and I are amazed at how our kids enjoy classical music.
Jakob likes it especially with his piano and violin.
Beata loves to hear them either from the cd or from his brother practicing his music lessons.
Jethro loves it, and can identify The Sugar Plum Fairy from the cd
(and that's only after hearing it twice!)
One of his favourites is The Nutcracker March.
Though he can't seem to put together the right name.
He'll either say..
March of the Crackernut…or
Nut of the Cracker March…or even worse
Nut of the March.
He'll soon get it.
If he can't say the right name, I'm quite sure he can hum it for you!
Love that kid! LOL