Saturday, May 2, 2009

My boys are sick

Just when I was beginning to be happy to see that Jakob and Jethro are growing and gaining weight, then they begin to be sick.  They both have cough and colds, so begins the trusted orange and blue puffers...sad, I know.  They also have a temperature so off I went to the drugstore the other day for the reliable Tylenol...again, sad, I know.  On top of that, Jakob has a sore in his gum and toothache.  I was afraid his old filling might be falling apart so I made a quick appointment to the dentist and guess what?  His x-ray shows his adult teeth are just about ready to come out so it has been pushing the baby teeth little by little, hence the fever and toothache.  Good news is his teeth are in great condition; the bad news is this pain will come every now and then until those baby teeth falls off. 
It's just not the same in our house when our two little rough, active, happy boys are sick...the house seems in order quiet.  I am praying that my little boys will be well soon.  I miss their energy!

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