Friday, October 9, 2009

FabFind Friday: Polly Pockets

Last month for Beata's birthday, we bought her an additional gift of her own choice from Toys R Us.
She chose a pack of one Polly Pocket doll with about 10 or more outfits.
There was no price on the shelf.  I was expecting between $12-$15.
I was so wrong.
$19.99 +tax!!!
I told myself, "That's the last Polly pocket for the year, Miss!"

Then came Saturday after that splurge, you know...yard sale day.
We saw a box of more than ten Polly Pocket sets with tons of dolls and accessories for...

are you ready for it?...


Ka-ching!  We scored a deal!

Last Polly Pocket for the year? 
I guess I spoke too soon.

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