Thursday, October 8, 2009

Smart Cookie!

"Are there beds in Ottawa?"
When she realized that her daddy is not going to sleep with us at home for five days but in Ottawa.

"Do we speak Spanish when we eat Spanish bread?"
When given a Filipino type of bread called Spanish bread.

"What does that say?"
"Oh!  So we have to stand when we flush the toilet?"
When she asked about the writing on the flush handle.

"We're doing "difference" in school like Kuya Jakob!"
At first, I thought they are doing subtraction in school already.  So driving home, my mind is going overtime thinking of ways to teach her subtraction at home.  When we got home, she excitedly pulled out a piece of paper from her backpack and handed it to me.  It says, they are going to make a poster (just like kuya Jakob; she's right about that!) with the theme..."MAKING A DIFFERENCE!"

You'll have to agree...
She's a smart cookie!


  1. you just can't have brains and beauty! i'd rather have waht Beata has.

  2. ahahahaha! I know "WAHT" you have now! :)

  3. tracy says:
    i loove this post! it's soo cute!



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