Saturday, March 13, 2010

Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today...

We are headed to our first ever long drive. 

It's March break, and we decided to team up with friends and get in our cars and drive across the border to New York City for two days, then to Pennsylvania for three days, and we are excited and nervous at the same time.

It's our first time crossing the border (Buffalo, New York doesn't count, okay?) and driving for six to nine hours. 

I am writing this just a little after midnight. 
(I am still not done packing, ugh!)

I am trying to pack light this time
(making room for some goodies to bring home from our trip, maybe?)

This is just a short sweet note to tell you that I might be missing in action (yet) again.

With that, I want to leave you with a couple of pictures from my new lens.
(courtesy of my hunny!)

Until then,

New York, New York!

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